13 May, 2013

May Blossom - layout

Althought we spent first weekend of May in home, listening to the rain and dreaming about the sun, we can enjoy the blossom now :) Apple trees turn into flowers, lilacs bloom and the grass if full of forget-me-nots. May is such a delightful month, don't you think? It's soft and warm and tender - full of inspirations and mood for creating!

Color Hills design team focused on May activities this time - what we do/what we love about May. Join us and show how you spend your time in May, what you love about this month!

I hope you enjoyed my page! Have a lovely day - no matter it's Monday!;)


  1. Piękny jest :) bardzo delikatny!

  2. So soft & beautiful, Magda. I adore it!

  3. cudny! :)
    przeskakujesz na bloga tylko po ang?

    1. dzięki Kasia :)
      tak, staram się tu trochę uporządkować - więcej pokazywać a mniej gadać :)

  4. kocham tę Twoją delikatność na pracach :)
