
Announcement about workshop in Moscow

Good morning,
with great difficulty I write this post to inform all my students in Moscow that I had to cancel my workshop scheduled to 25-26/10/2014. Because of very difficult personal conditions I'm not able to travel to Russia this year. I'm extremly sorry about this situation and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. I know that many of you were excited about this workshop and so was I.. I hope I'll have another chance to come and meet you.
All my workshops in 2014 are cancelled too.

Also, I'm taking a short break from blogging for now. 




Good morning! I know it's been quiet here for a while. I'm so overwhelm by my daily job that I barely find time for myself. Don't get me wrong - I love my job and I'm more than happy to give my whole days to my clients ;) Well, if you have clients like Kasia & Fab - the work becomes a pure pleasure! I'd love to share with you some photos I took as their official photographer on this big and beautiful day! Their wedding was AH-MAZING! It took a lot of work to prepare such event and they did an amazing job! All the little details, pops of yellow, great food, photobooth - it's this just great?This trip to Istanbul and the wedding was the best thing ever! And seriously, I love my scrapbooking friends! :)

Enjoy the photos and tell your feelings to Kasia & Fab - they'd love to hear it!