I’m very happy to share with you my first project made for Crate Paper. When I first saw three new collections – Maggie Holmes, DIY Shop and Party Day I thought it would be a great design for spring projects! I really wanted to make something for myself ;) Then, I thought I would do something for my craft space, so I looked at my wall and saw this messy board hanged below my desk. Ouch, it wasn’t my favourite part of the room!
Poszperałam więc w moich tablicach na Pintereście i wybrałam kilka rzeczy, które zainspirowały mnie tej wiosny. Trochę pasteli (wiem, nuda:P), fajnych cytatów, cudnych zdjęć i kilka darmowych "printablów" :) Wydrukowałam kilka z tych rzeczy, a także moje zdjęcia i zaczęłam porządki :)
So I run throught my Pinterest borads and I picked all that inspires me during this spring. There is lots of pastel colours, funny quotes, beautiful pictures and some lovely free printables. I decided to print some of those, as well my photos and try to organize my „spring mood borad“!
Po pierwsze, zrobiłam sobie layout z moim wiosennym autoportretem, dołączyłam do tego cudny aparat z kolekcji Maggie Holmes - uwielbiam go! Kolory, które wybrałam to moje ulubione tej wiosny - żółty, zielony i trochę jasnej mięty.
First of all, I made a layout with quotes about spring and my selfportrait I took just a few days ago. I attached a camera from Maggie Holmes collection – I really love this one! A colour palette I choose is bright, based on yellow, green and a bit of light mint.
Jedną z rzeczy tutaj kocham najmocniej - chmurkę z serduszkowym deszczem! Jest zrobiona z cudnego papieru z kolekcji DIY Shop, a serducha pochodzą z Studio Calico.
My favourite decoration of this board is the cloud with hearts! I cut the cloud from DIY Shop paper and heart come from Studio Calico.
The next step was to choose printables and decorate them with Crate papers and embellishments. Then I glued few clothes pins to the borad and decorated it with colourfull bows. This is the result!
What do you think about my „spring mood borad“? I hope you find it inspirational! Have a great day, all!