
on your wedding day - card (Glitz Design blog hop)


Welcome to Glitz Design Blog Hop today :) The Glitz blog will provide a "Sunshine In My Soul" prize package to one lucky winning comment from the blog hop, pulled from all of our DT blogs. So, the more blogs you comment on, the better chances you have! Please, follow the comment instruction on the Glitz blog.  

Here is the list of our blogs:

Jaime Warren – http://jaimewarren.typepad.com/
Karine Cazenave – http://karinecazenave.typepad.com/
Karola Witczak – http://www.karolakraftuje.blogspot.com/
Lea Lawson – http://leascupcakesandsunshine.blogspot.com/
Lisa Andrews – http://lisaandrews.blogspot.com/
Magda Mizera – you are here!
Mou Saha – http://collagecollagecollage.blogspot.com/
Noel Culbertson – http://paperpassionpixels.blogspot.com/
Stephanie Bryan – http://www.stephaniemakes.blogspot.com/
Glitz Design Blog – http://glitzitnow.com/blog/

For this blog hop I prepared a wedding card:

Good luck everyone! :)

in the orchard - mini album

Hello! :)

Finally I'm ready to share my mini album made with Gossamer Blue June Kits. June is over and actually this album is about May's white apple/cherry trees :) My parents own a small but pretty orchard and this is my favourite place in the world. Let me show you more..

I love that part of spring when apple trees are blooming so I decided to capture it. More photos from this shooting you can find here.

Have a great day :)

cracow - layout using gauze (DIY)

Hello Monday,

I have one recyclig tip for you today ;) I love using non-scrap supplies on my pages: fabrics, laces, bands. Today I'll show you my way of using gauze (yes, this thin fabric to make a bandage;) ). I like the airy and distance it gives to my pages.

For my polish readers - please visit Przyklej to blog for polish instructions ;)

 All I did was to tear and distend my piece of gauze just like this:

And here we come, my layout with gauze. This is the page I made for Crate Paper Creative Weekly theme - dots. I made a layout using yellow paper with big dots from The Piercollection. It perfectly suits my page's mood and of course, photo; the day had been sunny and hot being the first few days of summer here. So, when I was picking papers for my project, I took this one out first. I took the picture in Main Square, Cracow, my home city. There is a fountain in the middle of the square and lots of yellow umbrellas. Beneath the umbrellas are people selling flowers! It's always full of tourists and..pigeons :) I love my city - as shown by the tiny hearts on my layout.

Happy day, all! :)

week in photos

1 comment:
Hot - very hot week!

 I love the big mirrow-door at y parents house :D

 Wild flowers.

 Season for cherries! My favourite fruits.

 Sunset with my 'sunshine' ;) Love this frame.

Wonderful couple in my camera's lens ;)

all about my camera love - layouts


What a beautiful day :) Sun is burning through my window, I'm drinking strawberry smoothie and I had the most amazing morning ever. I slept till 11.00 am :) Finally no alarm clock!

I have to layouts (about my love to photography!) to share with you today. First, my layout made for Gossamer Blue & Lily Bee Design cooperation. This month we worked with kits based on LBD products mostly and it was truely amazing. LBD's papers are very pretty - great colours and lots of flowers - which I loved ;)

Yesterday evening I found new polish summer challange blog - Lift Summer Crafts. It's not only about scrapbooking, go and check their website ;) So, I got inspired by Karola's map and I made a layout with my very favourite Dear Lizzy Lucky Charm collection. I'm not a 'flower master' as Karola but I followed her instructions with my way and I think it looks good :)


Project LIfe pages

Hello all!

It's Friday - yay weekend is closer than close :) And it's Project Life day on my blog. I have some pages to show you. First, my page made with this week's Glitz Design theme - chalboard. I’m not into a black colour in my projects but I love how this small chalkboard hearts look like! They suits here perfectly.

My pages are all about a great Sunday I’ve spent with my family at my paretns house. I’m happy to have five sisters – they are just awesome!  I wanted my pages to look full of love and happiness :)

Those pages are made with Color Hills papers and some favourite embellishments. Full of colour and joy, aren't they? :)

I may not be very specific about my weeks in PL, I rather enjoy to caputre moments, those most important for me. And I love it so far :)

Have a great day! :)

pan pastels DIY - layout


Lot's of photos today for you! :) Let's start with my feelings about stamping.. Some of you know that I'm not really into stamps and I don't feel comfortable with ink. However, I love some stamps designs! When I got my June kits from Gossamer Blue I found out an easy way to play with stamps!

 Yes! That's panpastels - so easy to use, so clean and so awesome in colours!

All I did was to stamp my floral design with watermark ink and brush it with panpastels.

 I know I didn't discover anything special and new :) But I discovered that I'm not afraid of stamps any more - and that's the most important thing here:) Maybe it will help some of you too?

And here is my layout made with panpastel stamping. I hope you will like it! I'm so into pink last days - I don't think it's normal for me :D However, pastel colours were always 'mine' so - here I am with pink pastel layout :)

 And some details:

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate every single comment here - you give so much love - thank you!!! :)

Have a lovely day, all!