
Glitz Design Blog Hop!

Hello Glitz fans! ;)

Today we have Glitz Design monthly Blog Hop! The Glitz blog will provide a prize package of Raven collection to one lucky winning comment from the blog hop, pulled from all of our DT blogs. So, the more blogs you comment on, the better chances you have! Please, follow the comment instruction on the Glitz blog. 
Now, go to Marie and leave a comment on her blog too! :)

Can you imagine that I've made this card with only Raven collection?! ♡


Project Life - weeks 10&11

Hello Monday! ;)

My last weeks were full of travelling and meetings with family and friends.
Want to see my spreads? ;) I took a lot of photos so I used my photo collages! remeber, those are free for each of you and you can dowload them from here ;)

Week 11:

Week 12:

and some close ups:

but most of al I love my new mint PL album ♡


week in photos (+ layout)

This week was all about my awesome scrappy friends! ;)

 Monday started with a yummy breakfast with Anti :)

 And then we had a nice, long walk across her city - Lodz.

 The week was very busy and on Friday Mira came to visit me :) Another beautiful day in Cracow! ;)

 Afternoon full of creativity ;)

And then, after Mira left I spent all night scrapping! This layout is made for a monochromatic challenge on Scrapki.pl! I like how warm and bright it became! ;)


so lovely layout - Guest Designing for APOCD

Hello everyone,

I'm happy to share with you some news - I'm a Guest Designer for A Piece of Cake Designs this month! I'll be using their beyond beautiful flair buttons - designed by Raquel, the owner of APOCD. 

Today I'll show you my first layout with a pretty flair from Blooming Lovely set (my favourite one!).
Stay tuned, this month's going to be terrific!


color changing - layout plus autumn photo ideas


Today, I'd like to inspire you more! Do you like autumn photos? I love them the most! This is my favourite part of the year, when colors are changing, sun is shining through yellow and red leaves and makes so beautiful bokeh on my photos :) Yes, I love autumn photos. 

I have some of my recent shoots for you today and would love to share my ideas with you. 

When I'm alone with my camera (and that's very often) I often use my camera remote - this is the best toy I ever used for my camera :) Seriously, just look at this photos with leaves in my hands, I made it by myself!

I like to get up in the early morning to catch some dew on the grass, go for a walk to the near wood and find some mushrooms or discover new amazing, dreamy places - like this wooden fence or beautiful stream.

But most of all, I like the famous autumn plant -  heather! And I'd like to share with you my layout with a photo of heather - how it tells about up-coming changes.. :) I've made it with my awesome October Kits from Gossamer Blue

One more thing - I'd like to invite you all for a November class in Gossamer Blue comunnity.
I'll be teaching photography class but there will be lots of more fun projects from our designers!
More info here!


Hi y'all!

I'm back after such a long, full weekend. 
I've visited Łódź for last two days, having fun on Łódź Design Festival, being a part of MEETBLOGIN 2013 - the first meeting for interiors design bloggers. 

Niedziela byla pelna wrazen! Mialam szczescie uczestniczyc w spotkaniu polskich blogerek wnetrzarskich - MEETBLOGIN organizowanym przez Ule z Interiors Design, a takze zasiasc w jury konkursu na najlepsze DIY ;) Wygranym gratuluje! Projekty zrobily naprawde ogromne wrazenie ;) 
Ponizej moja krotka relacja z niedzieli. 

Dziękuję Ci Ula za to zaproszenie!